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Duggie arrived to us last week alongside Champ after doing his obligatory 5 days in the pound. Another skinny, scared dog that would need to learn how to trust the world again. He has the saddest eyes ☹️
When we opened the gate to his kennel he wet himself with fear. 💔💔💔 But Duggie is a very brave boy and approached us slowly and cautiously. We were only too delighted to reward him with lots of soft rubs.
He seems like he was a pet at some stage. He gives the paw and likes his belly rubs. He is thin but will gain weight with all the regular nourishing feeding.
He is too afraid to go for a walk right now, but we know that once he learns he is safe – his true personality will emerge and we will see the playful happy dog that he should be. And doesn’t he have the most striking coat 😍